Hospital Beds Medicare Documentation Requirements
Medicare covers medical equipment, including hospital beds. You must have a face-to-face examination and a written prescription from a doctor or other treating provider in order to file a claim.
We can help you get a wheelchair through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Scooter Medicare Documentation Requirements
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers durable medical equipment (DME). Medicare helps cover DME if the doctor treating your condition submits a written order stating that you have a medical need for a scooter.
We can help you get a scooter through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Wheelchair Medicare Documentation Requirements
Medicare benefits cover manual wheelchairs, power scooters, and power wheelchairs. You must have a face-to-face examination and a written prescription from a doctor or other treating provider before Medicare helps pay for a wheelchair.
We can help you get a wheelchair through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Urological Medicare Documentation Requirements
Urology supplies, such as catheters and drainage bags, can be expensive. In fact, a monthly supply of catheters alone can cost up to $200. But if you have Medicare (or are eligible for it), then this is a cost that can be avoided.
We can help you get catheters through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Commodes Medicare Documentation Requirements
In order for Medicare benefits through Part B cover medical equipment (DME) to apply to the coverage of a commode chair, a Medicare recipients are prescribed a commode chair by an approved doctor must order it from Medicare-contracted supplier.
We can help you get a commode through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Group 1 Support Surface Medicare Documentation Requirements
For an item to be covered by Medicare, the supplier must receive a detailed written order (DWO) before submitting a claim.
We can help you get a support surface gel overlay through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Walkers Medicare Documentation Requirements
Medicare covers walkers. There are many options available at Atlantic Healthcare Products.
We can help you get a walker through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.

Power Wheelchairs Medicare Documentation Requirements
Medicare benefits cover manual wheelchairs, power scooters, and power wheelchairs. You must have a face-to-face examination and a written prescription from a doctor or other treating provider before Medicare helps pay for a wheelchair.
We can help you get a power wheelchair through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.
Orthopedics Medicare Documentation Requirements
Shoe orthotics are categorized by Medicare as Durable Medical Equipment or DME. They may also be classified as Durable Equipment Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies or DMEPOS. Your shoe orthotics may fall under the DME or DMEPOS benefit which means Medicare will generally cover 80 percent of the approved cost.
We can help you get orthotics through Medicare. Call us today or start with the PRE-INTAKE FORM.
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